Information for international students

When your study place at the Ylä-Savo vocational college has been confirmed, please contact Ulla Piippo, an immigration specialist in Iisalmi. She will help you with all your everyday needs (e.g. housing, banking, childcare).  

E-mail:   Phone: +358406740179  


When your study place has been confirmed, you must apply for a temporary residence permit for students. You also have the possibility to apply for a D visa.

The Finnish Immigration Service (Migri) will monitor your progress throughout your studies; if your studies do not progress, your right to a residence permit will end.  If you get a job, you can work up to 30 hours per week during the year while you are studying.  

The studies are free of charge, but you will have to pay for all the costs related to your studies. For example, a season ticket for local bus travel costs €88 per month.   We serve breakfast and lunch for the students for free on the Sankariniemi and Peltosalmi campuses from Monday to Friday. Other meals you have to pay yourself.  


Please note that you cannot come to Finland until you have an apartment!   

Students aged 18 or over, can rent a furnished shared apartment in YSAO’s Tiili-dormitory in Iisalmi. The rent is 200 EUR/person/month. The rental contract is valid for a maximum of one academic year at a time and can be renewed, if there are places available at the time the student needs them. 

You can also ask for rental accommodation from the following companies in Iisalmi and Kiuruvesi:  

– Iisalmi: Petterinkulma Oy   

– Kiuruvesi: Kiurunkulma Oy  

You can inquire about short-term accommodation, for example at the beginning of your studies, if a place in the dormitory is not confirmed or you are waiting for a decision, in the following places: 

Hotel Iisalmen Seurahuone:    

Hotel Peltohovi, Kiuruvesi:    

When you book a room in these hotels, tell that you are studying at Ylä-Savo vocational college, and you will get a discounted price for the hotel night. Ulla Piippo, an immigration specialist, will also help you with accommodation.  


After you have moved to Finland, you must register as a resident at the nearest office of Digital and population data service agency. You need to make an appointment online:  

The immigration specialist Ulla Piippo can help you make an appointment if you cannot make it yourself. 

Banking services

You will need a personal identity number when you open a bank account.   

In Iisalmi, you cannot exchange money from other countries for euros. The nearest currency exchange offices (FOREX) are in Tampere, Helsinki and Turku.  

You can get online banking credentials from your bank, which you will need for example when verifying your identity in various electronic services (e.g. Immigration or Tax services). 

You need to make an appointment to open an account at the bank. Ulla Piippo, an immigration specialist, can help you make an appointment. 

Banks in Iisalmi 

  OP Pohjois-Savo:  

Säästöpankki Optia:  


Health insurance and medical services

To apply for a residence permit, you must have private insurance to cover your medical expenses. You can get insurance from your home insurance company, or you can ask for it from international insurance companies. 

You can visit a doctor or a nurse at a private medical center. For sick leave of more than 3 days, you will need a nurse’s or doctor’s certificate. If you are studying a professional qualification in food production or restaurant and catering services, you can get a salmonella certificate from a private medical center. 

Private medical centers in Iisalmi: 



Phone and internet

You can buy a pre-paid subscription at R-kiosks or supermarkets. You do not need a Finnish personal identity number to have a pre-paid account. 

Life in Finland

Be prepared, that even if you get breakfast and lunch at school, you will need money to live on.  A student should have €560 a month for essentials. Prices in Finland are high. For example, food and many services cost more in Finland than the European average.   

If yoy will have a job and you receive income from a Finnish employer, the income will be taxed so you need a tax card:

You have a temporary residence permit and are therefore not eligible for normal student financial support services (KELA). 

Finland is a north country and has a colder climate than many other countries. Temperatures can reach +30 degrees Celsius in summer and -30 degrees Celsius in winter. You will need both summer clothes and warm winter clothes. 

What is studying like?

At the beginning of the studies, a personal competence development plan (PCDP) is created for each student. 

You will progress through your studies and receive competence points based on your progress in learning the skills required for the part of the qualification you are studying. The time it takes for a student to learn the skills can be different for each student. It is the student’s responsibility to study according to the plan. You cannot change the plan yourself, if changes are needed you have to agree them the mentor teacher.

Qualification structure

The studies include compulsory and optional modules. You must complete all compulsory modules. The optional modules are chosen in consultation with the mentor teacher.  

The scope of the vocational qualification is 180 competence points (cp).    

Vocational units, 145 cp 

Common units, 35 cp  

Communication and interaction competence, 11 cp 

Mathematics and science competence, 6 cp 

Citizenship and working life competence, 9 cp 

Smoke-free YSAO

We are a smoke-free and nicotine-free educational institution. According to the Tobacco Act, smoking is prohibited in Finland in the indoor premises of vocational education and training institutions, in student dormitories and in the outdoor areas used by them. The possession of tobacco products by persons under the age of 18 is also prohibited.  

Natural Resources and the Environment

ENG Natural Resources and the Environment, student driving a tractor in the field.

YSAO offers you a wide array of opportunities in the field of natural resources and environment, for studying and finding employment in the field.

Our Hingunniemi equine studies campus in Kiuruvesi, and our agricultural and animal husbandry campus in Peltoniemi, Iisalmi provide a wonderful setting for your studies with real farms for learning.

Our extensive national and global connections to businesses in the industry enable us to personally develop your skill to a professional level. The field of natural resources and environment is becoming more and more significant in the future, and the natural resource expertise of our students is renowned internationally as well.

Equine Studies

Do you like horses?

If the answer is yes, you’ll surely like studying with us as well!

The equine sector in Finland directly employs more than 15,000 professionals.

Your path to becoming a professional in the equine sector starts with studies for a vocational basic qualification, which provides you with basic competence in the field along with specialist skills required for working as a groom, equestrian service instructor, or riding instructor.

A horse care and management professional requires competence obtained through a vocational qualification in horse care and management. Once qualified, you are able to take care of horses’ well-being, handle horses safely, and operate in the industry as an employee or entrepreneur. Depending on your specialisation, you can work in a horse-breeding or equestrian service producer capacity, in harness racing coaching, training and coaching riding horses, shoeing, equestrian equipment manufacturing, equestrian massage therapy, or riding instruction.

If you wish to continue your career to become a stable master, farrier, horse care manager or riding instructor, those skills and knowledge are obtained through a specialist vocational qualification in horse care and management. Natural resources and environment expertise and qualifications ensure good job opportunities.

Agriculture and Animal Husbandry

Answer the call of the countryside ­– watch the students’ stories!

Cutting-edge technology, animal welfare, and a dream job! Watch the video to find out how Elias and Jenni became interested in the field of natural resources and the environment and how technology and animal welfare are part of their daily lives.

The technology employed in agricultural and animal husbandry studies eases the personal workload and reduces the carbon footprint whilst giving employees more time to focus on the animals and their welfare.

Future agriculture professionals study the basics, eventually graduating as rural entrepreneurs or animal care professionals. A rural entrepreneur with an agricultural business qualification is able to perform a variety of tasks in different agricultural enterprises.

A rural entrepreneur with an agricultural technology qualification is prepared for production technology work. Depending on their choices, they can work as a rural entrepreneur, agricultural machinery contractor, maintenance and repair entrepreneur, bioenergy entrepreneur or employee, in an agricultural supply shop, or in various agricultural service jobs.

An animal attendant with an animal husbandry qualification can care for animals and raise animals in a variety of animal husbandry enterprises. They have extensive basic knowledge of animal physiology, nutrition, healthcare, and genetics. An animal attendant is qualified to start an animal welfare enterprise or work as an animal attendant on a farm, as a farm relief worker, at a petting zoo or zoo, research institutes, veterinary clinics, and other enterprises in the animal sector. Animal husbandry qualification holders can specialise in the care and/or welfare of farm animals or small animals.

A holder of vocational qualification in agriculture has the strong competence required by agricultural work tasks. The vocational qualification in agriculture allows you to choose between the competence areas of Agrologistics, Farm Relief Work, Agricultural Technology, Beekeeping, Hoof Care, Production Animal Care, or Farm Management.

An individual with a vocational qualification in agriculture possesses a wide variety of skills to allow them to work in the agricultural sector, in various production, planning, advisory, expert, supervisor, and management positions.

A professional with an animal husbandry qualification can specialise further in animal care in the competence areas of Animal Boarding, Pet Sales, Animal Training, Animal Grooming, Dog Massage, or Care of Animals at Clinics. They can operate as an independent entrepreneur or as an employee in an enterprise.

A qualification holder specialising in the competence area of Animal Training may work in an entrepreneurial capacity or as an employee in an enterprise providing services related to the training or behaviour of animals. The optional portion of the qualification allows the animal trainer to further specialise in the planning of zoo animal care or addressing problem behaviour in animals, or work as an obedience trainer for animals, or as a trainer/coach for work and competition animals.

Take a look at the Peltoniemi campus!

An interest in working with animals, in the countryside and outdoors offers you near-infinite opportunities to improve and develop yourself. If responsible behaviour and animal welfare are important to you, the field of natural resources and environment is the right choice for you.

Explore our study opportunities and apply today!


Jenna Hartojoki
050 530 8280

Päivi Kallionpää
040 177 8538


ENG YSAO's learning kitchens, Restaurant Oppimestari.

Customer service and skilled hands

The service sector allows you to develop your service skills in an extensive and personal manner. At YSAO, service qualifications include hairdressing and beauty care, cleaning and property services, food production, restaurant and catering services, and nature-based services.

Come join the merry band in the service sector!

Food Production Services

The Finnish food production industry is known for its cleanliness and quality worldwide. The industry values healthiness and high-quality ingredients with an emphasis on locally sourced products.

Many kinds of professionals are required to prepare food, drinks, and various tasty treats. The food industry offers opportunities for multifaceted technical and craft skills as well as improve yourself as an employee, entrepreneur, and expert alike.

YSAO offers part of the study curriculum digitally via the itslearning environment. The studies incorporate plenty of learning various techniques, craft skills, and customer service at the institute’s own bakery, learning kitchen, and the Eväsmestari coffee shop. The food production industry offers a variety of opportunities for at-work learning. There are many large and small food industry enterprises in our area, which allow students to learn in real-life situations, helping prepare them for working life.

Hairdressing and Beauty Care Services

Hairdressing and beauty care services promote people’s beauty, health, and wellbeing. They can bolster an individual’s self-esteem, which plays a crucial role in human social interaction, self-acceptance, and commitment to one’s own culture. The main tool of a beauty care professional is their personality, radiating healthy self-esteem, a positive attitude towards life, life management, and internalised sense of professional ethics. Hairdressing and beauty care professionals are eager to serve and cooperate, honest and creative, full of initiative, and willing to reinvent themselves.

YSAO offers part of the study curriculum digitally via the itslearning environment, and practical skills are learned through guided work. Hairdressing and beauty care students learn professional skills by working with customers in working life and YSAO’s own barber shop and hairdresser, Hiustaiturit on the Tähtiniemi campus.

Nature-Based Services

Do you enjoy the outdoors? Are you excited about the opportunity to prepare food or health products from natural ingredients? Do you like creating arts and crafts using natural materials? Nature-based services might be the choice for you!

Nature studies give you an opportunity to develop an existing enterprise in the nature sector or start your own. You can extensively improve your skills and job prospects in the nature sector.

Remember to be creative and innovative because that’s when you create something unique.

Cleaning and Property Services

Are you an active and helpful individual not afraid to take the initiative? If this sounds like you, your future career may be in cleaning and property services.

Cleaning and property services employ professionals in various service sector jobs. The work tasks include various tasks related to the cleanliness, health, and safety of different environments. Cleaning and property studies teach you to carry out basic and maintenance cleaning with modern methods, equipment, and cleaning solutions in different working environments. In addition, you can develop many different skills pertaining to the industry at YSAO.

Some of the studies are carried out online via the itslearning environment, but practical competence is learned through practical guided work. Cleaning and property service studies are mainly focused on workplace learning, and you get to prove yourself by performing real working life tasks.

Restaurant and Catering Services

Local travel and local food are becoming more and more popular, and public services are also looking for employees. Restaurant and catering services involve working with people, serving customers in everyday life and festivities. This is very meaningful and fulfilling teamwork. As part of a team, professionals independently ensure they perform their own share of the work. In this industry, craft skills and creativity are valued. YSAO offers part of the study curriculum digitally via the itslearning environment. Restaurant and catering students are able to use a 3D printer to print unique treats from chocolate and other ingredients.

Practical studies are carried out in a wide variety of learning environments at workplaces as well as YSAO’s own simulated work environments: our learning kitchens, Restaurant Oppimestari, and the Eväsmestari Coffee Shop. Extensive learning opportunities prepare the student for working life in the best possible way.


Kristiina Hartikainen
050 472 0373

Logistics Skills

ENG Three logistics skills vehicles is parked in the field.

The multifaceted field of logistics

At YSAO, logistics skills encompass logistics, infrastructure, and the motor vehicles sector. Work in logistics and earthworks is very important and provides a variety of services for our society.

Moving people and goods around requires highly functional and varied logistics. The different aspects of infrastructure provide a significant service to society. Professionals in the motor vehicles sector ensure the ever-increasing stock of vehicles stays in good condition, which allows for transport and traffic to run smoothly. The automotive industry has seen significant growth and change in recent times ¬– the growing number of electric vehicles being one example. Motor vehicle sector work requires knowledge of the fascinating technology, along with service skills.

In the future, logistics professionals in each field require extensive vocational expertise, language skills, and digital skills. The field of work is very multifaceted and requires plenty of responsibility. Customer service is a major part of everyday work.


People and goods are always going to need transport, so logistics professionals are in demand now and in the future. The logistics field involves work related to the transport of goods and people.

A vocational basic qualification in logistics offers training for drivers of lorries, buses, and articulated vehicles. A lorry driver or articulated vehicle driver is able to load and transport their vehicle in all conditions whilst complying with regulations, in a safe, economic, and eco-friendly manner. When your training is completed, you can also work at various warehouses or terminals as, e.g., a forklift operator.

As a bus driver, you get to work in a varied and people-centred service profession where safety and customer service are essential parts of the job. The work of a bus driver can vary significantly, from local to long-distance transport. Charter and service transport may also be part of your job description.

A vocational qualification in logistics can be completed here at YSAO, with passenger transport, forestry transport, or goods transport as the fields of expertise.

Continued education in logistics

The field of logistics offers a variety of options for continued education. Studies at universities of applied sciences are available mainly for technology, transport, and business economics. Another potential path is the specialist vocational qualification for Driving Instructors.

Motor Vehicles Sector

A professional in the motor vehicles sector easily handles vehicle maintenance, troubleshooting, and repair. As a car mechanic, you are able to perform mechanical repairs on cars. As a diagnosis mechanic, your main focus is knowledge of vehicles’ electronic systems. As a utility vehicle mechanic, you work with the variety of systems in larger vehicles.

With the proper qualification, you are able to perform repair, maintenance, and troubleshooting work in the motor vehicles sector. Skilled workers are always in demand at car showrooms, repair shops, service stations, and perhaps logistics companies.

As a mechanic, you must be well-versed in technology, capable of solving a variety of problems, and willing to work both independently and as part of a team. Your tasks vary from problem diagnosis to customer service, and you learn to operate modern repair equipment.

If you are the hands-on type, eager to learn new things, and want to work with rapidly evolving technology, perhaps this could be the field for you!


Infrastructure is a multifaceted and interesting industry for skilled workers. Here, infrastructure refers to technical infrastructure, which includes e.g., road and rail networks, water management, and building foundations. The infrastructure sector currently employs a large number of people in various construction and maintenance jobs and will continue to do so in the future. Many supervisors and specialists are also needed. As an infrastructure worker, you continuously encounter new, interesting, and challenging tasks whilst learning many new things.

At YSAO, infrastructure studies are available in Iisalmi, Toivala in Siilinjärvi, Liperi in the Joensuu region, and remotely.

Depending on your interest and skillset, you can obtain a vocational basic qualification in construction, a vocational qualification, or a specialist vocational qualification in infrastructure. Further vocational training is also available.

The vocational basic qualification in construction qualifies you to operate earthmoving equipment, and the vocational and specialist vocational qualifications make you an infrastructure professional.

Interested in infrastructure? Would you like to do tangible work and see the results of that work first-hand? Take a look at our study opportunities and apply today!


Jani Pitkänen
0400 793 191

Studying in the Area

ENG Aerial photo of Iisalmi.

Make your student days unforgettable

You hear the echo of your confident steps. You straighten your clothes and ensure everything is zipped up. You don’t see anyone else yet, but the various voices from up ahead are mixing into one. Clanks, metallic clinking, buzzing. They prepare you for what awaits around the corner. You breathe in deep and take your tool. The scent makes you smile. Now it’s your turn to act.

By showing interest, you can find yourself doing different tasks and trying completely different fields. One thing takes you towards them, and that is the right competence. You can get that from us, and you’ll also have fun learning!

Studying is not just sitting at a desk or listening to lectures whilst staring at a computer monitor. Most of the learning happens through practical work. You immediately get a sense of your work tasks, tools, and opportunities. Our wide network of business partners gives you options to try, helping you find a direction for your life and interests. We’ve got the tools, teachers, and instructors for you.

Oh, what to do besides studying?

Keeping up your motivation, taking care of your mental capacity, and learning new things requires something to balance out the daily grind. Dip your fingers in different colours of paint, let the sweat pour, or make some noise in all kinds of ways. You can find plenty of interesting things to do whether you are into exercise, art, or culture. Active clubs, associations, organisations, and courses are there to eagerly welcome new participants.

Or maybe you prefer to spectate instead of doing? You could check out the exciting games on the football pitch or the sharp action in the ice rink, or maybe visit an art exhibit or concert to immerse yourself in the atmosphere and stories. If you’re in a social mood, you can certainly find someone to talk to on the beach or in the market square. If relaxing in front of a bonfire strikes your fancy, you can take a trip to the numerous lean-tos and camping destinations.

There is no shortage of things to do regardless of whether you prefer to walk alone or look for like-minded teams and groups to spend time with. For most, the suitably social, a middle ground of the two is ideal. Maybe you decide to go alone, or maybe take a friend along.

Walking and cycling paths allow you to exercise freely. Any style goes, whether you enjoy taking in the scenery on a slow hike or building your fitness with sweaty, high-tempo exercise. In the winter, the area boasts several ski slopes and cross-country skiing routes for some frostier kinds of exercise, and we can’t forget those speedy sled hills either.

YSAO, full of ideas

YSAO supports hobbies, wellbeing, and doing things you enjoy alongside studying. In the autumn and spring, you get to test out your best basketball, badminton, and football tricks at the multipurpose outdoor arena in YSAO’s Sankariniemi, and the sports hall is open all year round. There is also a gym where you can punch some bags, pump some iron, and use some rowing machines and treadmills. Come and see which equipment you’d like to use to keep up and even improve your fitness.

If you can feel the rhythm in your blood or just want to learn music, you can grab a pair of drumsticks, wail into a microphone, or shred on a guitar in the band facilities of the school. The staff often asks bands to perform at various events, so you’ll also gain some performing experience! These events are organised throughout the year by e.g., the tutors and the wellbeing team.

You can also explore your artistic and creative side at events and various competitions organised for students. Or you can even show off your artistic skills through school projects. Plater-welder students have designed and made holiday decorations, machinists have built stands for candles, and artisans have made instruments. Not to mention the delicious catering prepared by the bakery and cooking students, the dreamy sigh-eliciting hairstyles of hairdressing students, or the displays of skill from animal groomers.

Every field is brimming with creativity, you just have to bring it out through your actions! Ideas are always welcome. It also develops and diversifies your studies!

Here I am, on the road again

If you suddenly get the odd feeling you would like to visit a larger city such as Kuopio, Oulu, or Kajaani, all you need is to take a short trip. These distances are covered easily from Iisalmi via train, bus, or car. And, most importantly, it’s just as quick to get back to the embrace of Upper Savonia, or Ylä-Savo as we like to call it!

We are developing the area together, through extensive cooperation, so we would appreciate your input as well. You can participate in open projects from organisations, enterprises, or the city – or come up with something completely new. We take care of our own, and our hospitality is so great that you won’t want to leave!


ENG Technology student is working with a minifactory.

The technology sector is looking for talent

We offer you a wide array of opportunities to study technology and thus find employment at enterprises in the technology sector. The areas of competence are mechanical engineering and production technology, electrical engineering and automation, and information and communications technology. The technology sector directly employs nearly 320,000 people in Finland alone, making it the most important export industry in the country. Tech companies operate in the global market, which means plenty of opportunities to work abroad in an international capacity.

The technology industry will require 130,000 new talents in the next decade, which means roughly 13,000 job openings per year. Would you like to be one of those talents?

If you are interested in this growing industry of the future, tech expertise, and job prospects, YSAO’s technology studies offer you a perfect opportunity. Are you into robotics or automation, would you perhaps like to see your personal touch in your work, or do you dream of working in customer service? We can find a solution for you. You could become a machinist, electrical engineer, IT support, welder, or something else. There is no shortage of options and opportunities ¬– tech expertise is in high demand!

Technology studies are always working life-oriented in nature, so the field offers several study opportunities tailored in cooperation with various businesses. These include the Ponsse path, the Pok learning environment, or a personal learning environment at the centre of the Vieremä business campus.

Mechanical Engineering and Production Technology

Are you a metalhead?

These studies will help you become a plater-welder, machinist, or mechanical fitter.

You don’t need to immediately know which profession you want to graduate for, as all options are explored at the start of your studies, and you can then gravitate towards the most interesting path for you!

As a mechanical engineering and production technology graduate, you are familiar with all modern manufacturing methods and can precisely measure the products you manufacture, or work in the assembly, installation, and service of mechanical machinery. Your workplace is in a modern tech environment where robotics and automation are part of daily life.

Try mechanical engineering and production technology!

This field is suitable to everybody. All you need is a real interest in the metal industry!
Prior experience is not required. Go ahead and sign up for the field orientation arranged by the YTYÄ! project. The orientation can last from a few hours to entire days.

Electrical Engineering and Automation

Here, your tasks and work locations vary from week to week, or you will be working in clean industrial environments, performing installations, or working on vehicle electronics. At YSAO, your studies also include a study period in the POKE environment, which lets you work at a company from the very start of your studies, making real products. If you are a handy sort and want a job with plenty of variation, electrical engineering and automation is the choice for you.

Information and Communications Technology

Are computers your thing? Do you want to work with evolving technology? Here, you get to work in IT by installing, servicing, and programming a variety of computing and communications equipment or working as an enterprise’s customer service representative – not to forget various sales jobs. Are you ready to pounce on new challenges and keep yourself at the cutting edge of the constantly evolving world of information technology?

Come to YSAO to learn a multifaceted and interesting technology job in a practical way. Employment prospects in this field are excellent.


Miika Vaarasuo
0400 792 832

Preparatory education for an upper secondary qualification – TUVA

ENG TUVA, person is sitting and thinking.

TUVA – a new transition training period starts in Autumn 2022

Preparatory education for an upper secondary qualification is intended for people of compulsory school age and others without a secondary qualification who require preparatory education.

TUVA’s objectives

The objective of preparatory education for an upper secondary qualification is to prepare a student to apply for upper secondary education or vocational education, clarify their plans in terms of continued education and career choice whilst helping the student recognise their own strengths and creating different options for studies and work. During TUVA training, basic education grades can be raised if necessary to be accepted to the student’s chosen place of education.

Scope and structure of studies

TUVA studies last 38 weeks at maximum. Each student’s studies consist of education and career planning, which is compulsory to everyone, and at least two optional components. The student’s personal study path is created based on their individual objectives and educational needs. This means the start time of the studies is also flexible according to each student’s needs.

What TUVA consists of

Compulsory for everyone:

  • Education and career planning skills (2–10 weeks)

Optional parts of training, of which the student must complete at least two:

  • Improving basic skills (1–30 weeks)
  • Vocational education studies and preparing for them (1–30 weeks)
  • Upper secondary education studies and preparing for them (1–30 weeks)
  • Everyday skills and societal participation (1–20 weeks)
  • Working life skills and learning at work (1–20 weeks)
  • Optional studies (1–10 weeks)

Different TUVA education paths at YSAO

  1. Improving basic skills and working life skills.
  2. Upper secondary education orientation and raising basic education grades.
  3. Vocational education orientation.
  4. TUVA athlete path (combining goal-oriented sports coaching and preparatory education for an upper secondary qualification).

TUVA student counselling

Students of compulsory school age (starting 8/2021) have access to a wider variety of support methods via e.g., school transport subsidies and learning materials. However, YSAO offers all basic qualification students excellent support through social and health services. YSAO dormitories are also available to all TUVA students in Iisalmi and Kiuruvesi.

Anyone can encounter challenges and obstacles to learning. YSAO students are supported in different stages of their studies with measures conforming to Huolenpidon polku (The Care Path) and various support services. The student welfare services plan outlines the different social and personal student welfare service methods in more detail. Learn more about YSAO’s Huolenpidon polku programme.

Huolenpidon polku (Prezi, in Finnish)

Learn more about vocational education on the Finnish National Agency for Education’s website

Studies for Immigrants

ENG Different immigrants that study in YSAO are sitting in the hallway and talking.

Study for a Career

YSAO, the Ylä-Savo Vocational College, is a school where you can study for a career. We help you find suitable training. You can study for a full qualification or part of it. If you have a job, you can complete your qualification or part of your qualification in your job as apprenticeship training.

When you apply, we determine your language skills.

During your studies, you can study Finnish, which is needed in your career.

At the start of your studies, we make a plan for how you can learn skills needed in your career. It is important for us that you learn the profession and can work at a job that suits you.


Hannele Juntunen
Guidance Counsellor/Immigrant Students
+358 400 792 860


Treenikaista lets you practise study skills to help you in your vocational studies. These are called OPVA studies, or studies to support learning skills.

Treenikaista lets you study professional Finnish and digital skills, for example.

At Treenikaista, you study in a small group and get personal support and guidance.

You can start your studies at Treenikaista or come to Treenikaista during your vocational studies.

Treenikaista Contact Information

Treenikaista helps you at all matters related to studying.
Treenikaista’s guidance centre is located on the Tähtiniemi campus and is open every Monday, Tuesday, and Friday from 8:00 to 15:00.

Preparatory Education for an Upper Secondary Qualification (TUVA)

If you do not know yet what you want to study or do not have a study place, you can apply for TUVA education.

TUVA training lasts about a year. During it, you can practise studying skills and learn what studying options you have.

You can study Finnish. You will learn about different careers and training.

A study plan will be made for you. You can study the skills you need in upper secondary school or vocational school.

If you get a study place during TUVA training, you can stop your TUVA studies and move on to qualification education.

Short Training and Card Training Courses

At YSAO, you can take part in short training courses and card training courses.

To the Applicant

ENG To the applicant, student is standing in front of a truck.

Working life awaits you

Are you looking to become a professional in your chosen field, or improve your existing skills? Perhaps you want to learn something completely new, or maybe you are not yet sure what your future profession should be? Our website offers a wide array of learning opportunities and methods for in-work training, online courses via eYSAO, and in-person learning, with our multiple campuses providing a variety of options for each applicant!

When you apply, we plan a suitable learning path for you in the form of a personal competence development plan (HOKS). We also take any of your existing expertise into account, along with your life situation and time management. If your everyday life is already busy, you can choose to study part-time.

And if you are looking to own a business or already operate as an active entrepreneur, we can provide a massive amount of information and knowledge along with networking opportunities, helping you find business partners. The learning opportunities and methods are constantly evolving alongside the local businesses.

So why wait? Come find your own path and throw yourself into the experience made possible by becoming a professional!

Search for Qualifications and Training

Looking for your field?

Learn about fields to study

Ongoing application

We are constantly accepting applicants for all studies. Feel free to join us any time. We gladly support your learning in different stages of your life.

Vocational training comprises vocational basic qualifications, vocational qualifications, specialist vocational qualifications, and preparatory education for an upper secondary qualification (TUVA). In addition, you can bolster your expertise via short training courses and card training courses.

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2.5.3 Label in Name: The visible label and the machine name do not match

The card view of the product and training listings shows the text “Show Product”, but the machine name also includes the product name. For example, “Show Product: Workplace Instructor Training”.

4.1.1 Structuring: Element IDs are not unique

A few pages have multiple titles with the same tag.

4.1.2 Name, role, value: Hidden element has content to target

The content of the cookie pop-up window can still be targeted after it has been hidden.

Feedback and contact information

Have you noticed any accessibility concerns on this website? We are always looking to improve the accessibility of our services. If you find any problems with the site’s accessibility, please contact us. We will consider your request and get back to you within 14 days.

Reporting accessibility problems with this website

E-mail to kirjaamo(at) or using this online form.

Please contact us with any accessibility concerns regarding this website. Please note that it may take up to 14 days for a reply to be forwarded to you. If you are not satisfied with the reply, or if you do not receive any response within two weeks, please give feedback to the Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland. See the Agency’s website (available in Finnish and Swedish) for a description of how the complaint can be filed and how the matter will be handled.

Contact information of supervisory authority

The Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland

Saavutettavuuden valvonnan yksikkö (supervisory unit for accessibility)

  • website (available in Finnish and Swedish)
  • Email:
  • Switchboard: +358 295 016 000

The language requirements

The language of studying at YSAO is mainly Finnish. The applicant must have sufficient Finnish language skills to be able to study and work in his competence area. You can find the degree-specific language requirements from the education information.

The assessment of language skills

If the applicant´s mother language is other than Finnish, he will be directed to language proficiency testing. The applicant can also demonstrate his language skills with following certificates:

  • the certificate of comprehensive education completed in Finnish language (also the certificate of comprehensive education for adults)
  • the certificate of upper secondary education or matriculation certificate completed in Finnish language
  • the certificate of vocational qualification completed in Finnish language
  • the certificate of the intermediate Finnish language level of General language examinations (YKI test) at the skill level required by the application purpose (no more than 3 years old). More information from the website of National Board of Education.
  • the certificate of the integration education (no more than3 years old)

The realisation and validity period of the language test

The language test occurs remotely (Teams). When your application is being processed, you will receive instructions for booking a test appointment. The test lasts about 60 minutes. The validity period of the result of the completed language test for YSAO´s competence areas is 6 months. We will not process a new application if it has been less than 6 months since the last language test.

If during the studies we notice that the student´s language skills are not sufficient to complete the degree, the goal of the studies can be changed to complete parts of the degree.

Language skills can also be checked during studies.

Studying at YSAO

ENG Natural Resources and the Environment students sitting together and smiling.

A vocational basic qualification also makes you eligible for higher education (universities or universities of applied sciences). By choosing vocational education, you keep all paths open for your future studies.

We continuously invest in the development of education in different fields. We are upgrading our physical learning environments and improving digital services in their various forms. We also constantly improve at-work learning through our extensive partner network.

The quality of vocational education in Upper Savonia has been stated in several reports to be excellent, and our students are very satisfied with our school.

The international aspect is a core component of vocational learning. We want to offer all our students the opportunity to develop their vocational, cultural, and linguistic skills through international studies and exchanges.

If you are of compulsory school age, we provide you with education, student welfare services, food, and all materials, devices, and other equipment required in your studies at no cost. Your studies are tailored for your needs and objectives. Learning takes place on school premises, at work, and increasingly on our eYSAO platform. We provide you with a personal computer with the required software for the duration of your studies.

More information on the studies available at YSAO is available from guidance counsellors and teachers.

Admissions Services
For any questions about your application, please contact the Admissions Services and they will address your concerns. You can call us at +358 40 4811 400, or send an email to

Feel free to contact us, ask about different options, or simply visit us!

Working Life Skills

ENG Working life skills, teacher guides his students at the work place.

Vocational expertise for working life

New professionals are always needed in working life. We offer you a wide variety of opportunities to study and improve your vocational competence, whether you are an entrepreneur or an employee of an enterprise.

Our study opportunities for working life skills encompass the business economics, management, and entrepreneurship studies shared by all industries, along with advanced vocational know-how and expertise focusing on specific industries and work tasks.

We offer industry-specific studies and qualifications for real estate, education, teaching, and guidance, work coaching, and production supervisor positions.

We help develop vocational competence in e.g., a recruitment situation with a new employee, further training of existing staff, and finding a completely new profession.

In addition, we offer short training courses tailored to your and your business’s needs.

These courses are held in a variety of learning environments, and online learning allows for studying without being tied to a certain time and place. Our courses are carried out with the involvement of the best teachers and experts in their respective fields to ensure the working life skills in your business are up there with the best as well.

If you and your business are looking to succeed in the future, contact us and we will find the right solution for you. Working life skills are close to our hearts.


Kristiina Hartikainen
050 472 0373

Ylä-Savo Municipal Federation of Education

ENG Aerial photo of Sankariniemi campus.

Greetings from the Chair of the Municipal Federation

The Ylä-Savo Municipal Federation of Education and its Ylä-Savo Vocational College is an active, diverse vocational education institution. The current municipal federation was founded in 1964, but vocational education has been organised by YSAO and its predecessors in Upper Savonia for nearly 150 years now. We are headquartered in Iisalmi, but our training opportunities are available in a wide geographic area comprising our physical learning environments, with digital learning solutions available independent of location.

We employ over 220 experts of different fields. Our extensive partner network allows us to create expertise for our customers’ needs in a wide and diverse array.

The Ylä-Savo Vocational College, YSAO, serves as the coordinating party for the Upper Savonia expertise partnerships. We can assist businesses in various training needs and provide cooperation through university-level vocational education with other educational institutes in the area.

The international aspect is an essential part of our operations. We have partnered with educational institutes and others in several dozen countries. This offers our students a multitude of training opportunities outside the borders of our country as well. Businesses and other organisations, on the other hand, can find opportunities for networking and developing their own business operations with new partners.

Don’t be afraid to contact our experts, or simply go ahead and visit us!

Let’s find you or your organisation a suitable package for developing competence!

Developmentally yours,

Kari Puumalainen
Chair of the Municipal Federation of Education, Rector

The headmaster of Ylä-Savo municipal federation of education Kari Puumalainen is leaning on the table.


The Ylä-Savo Municipal Federation of Education is always guided by two core values –trust and responsibility.

Strategic Goals 2022–2026

  • Development of new services
  • Services primarily implemented via eYSAO
  • Competence management is based on customer needs

Take a closer look at YSAO’s strategy outline and video (in Finnish only).

Vision 2026

The goal of the Ylä-Savo Municipal Federation of Education is to be a customer-oriented, resilient organisation. This means our service production must meet the needs of students and employers both on a national and international level. We work proactively, and our activities are flexible and capable of reinvention in a rapidly changing environment.

Owner Municipalities

The Ylä-Savo Municipal Federation of Education is owned by the eight municipalities in the Upper Savonia area.

Cookie Policy

About this Cookie Policy

This Cookie Policy explains what cookies are and how we use them, the types of cookies we use i.e, the information we collect using cookies and how that information is used, and how to control the cookie preferences. For further information on how we use, store, and keep your personal data secure, see our Privacy Policy.

You can at any time change or withdraw your consent from the Cookie Policy on our website.

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What are Cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are used to store small pieces of information. They are stored on your device when the website is loaded on your browser. These cookies help us make the website function properly, make it more secure, provide better user experience, and understand how the website performs and to analyze what works and where it needs improvement.

How do We Use Cookies?

As most of the online services, our website uses first-party and third-party cookies for several purposes. First-party cookies are mostly necessary for the website to function the right way, and they do not collect any of your personally identifiable data.

The third-party cookies used on our website are mainly for understanding how the website performs, how you interact with our website, keeping our services secure, providing advertisements that are relevant to you, and all in all providing you with a better and improved user experience and help speed up your future interactions with our website.

How Can I Control the Cookie Preferences?

Should you decide to change your preferences later through your browsing session, you can click on the “Cookie Policy” link in the footer on your screen. This will display this page and you can click the link near the top to show the consent notice again enabling you to change your preferences or withdraw your consent entirely.

In addition to this, different browsers provide different methods to block and delete cookies used by websites. You can change the settings of your browser to block/delete the cookies. To find out more about how to manage and delete cookies, visit,

Ongoing application, towards a new future

ENG Ongoing application, woman is sitting and thinking, and is surrounded with question marks.

Are you looking to change careers, improve your vocational skills, or find a new future?

We are constantly accepting applicants for all studies. Feel free to join us any time. We gladly support your learning in different stages of your life.

Vocational training comprises vocational basic qualifications, vocational qualifications, specialist vocational qualifications, and preparatory education for an upper secondary qualification (TUVA). In addition, you can bolster your expertise via short training courses and card training courses. Application is flexible and open throughout the year!

Who can apply?

  • You want to complete a vocational basic qualification, a vocational or specialist vocational qualification, or parts of a qualification.
  • You want to participate in preparatory education for an upper secondary qualification (TUVA)
  • You want to earn your vocational qualification through apprenticeship training.
  • You have previously completed primary and secondary education or an academic degree.
  • You have existing working life experience.

Admissions Services
For any questions about your application, please contact the Admissions Services and they will address your concerns. You can call us at +358 40 4811 400, or send an email to

We offer a selection of 164 qualifications!

Familiarise yourself with our vocational studies and study opportunities in different fields. Feel free to contact us, and we will help you get started.

Iisalmi, Sankariniemi and Tähtiniemi
Kristiina Hartikainen
050 472 0373

Kiuruvesi, Hingunniemi
Jenna Hartojoki
050 530 8280

Iisalmi, Peltoniemi
Päivi Kallionpää
040 177 8538


ENG Air photo of Sankariniemi campus.

We offer a diverse range of studies on multiple campuses. You can study in Iisalmi, Kiuruvesi, Vieremä, Toivala, and Liperi, and eYSAO is also available to support your studies.

Technology solutions are an important part of our learning environments. We support our students on their way to working life, where they can freely make use of the opportunities provided by tech.

Each of our campuses is unique, which can be seen in the daily life of our students.

International EfVET Conference 26.-29.10.2022

EfVET logo.

International EfVET Conference will be held in Kuopio on October 26-29, 2022

EfVET – European Forum of Technical and Vocational Education and Training, organizes the EfVET Annual Conference on 26-29 October 2022 in Kuopio, Finland. The conference is organized in cooperation with Ylä-Savo Vocational College YSAO and Savo Vocational College SAKKY.

The conference aims to bring forth current issues in vocational education such as sustainable development and to increase cooperation between European vocational education institutions and professionals. The participants of the conference will also get acquainted with the business community in North Savo during visits to the companies. About 250 participants from all over Europe are expected to attend the conference.

Kuopio 2022 – EfVET Conference (

For further information, please contact

Kristiina Hartikainen, Coordinator, YSAO
+358 50 472 0373

Etleva Moisio, International Affairs Coordinator, YSAO
0406 216 112

Päivi Vestala, Project Manager, SAKKY
+358 44 785 3032

Maarit Sinikangas, Coordinator, SAKKY
+358 44 785 3076


ENG Construction student is building a house in construction site.

Visible work, strong expertise

When you are a construction professional, the results of your work are just as multifaceted as the actual process. It is durable, attractive, and functional, with genuine construction expertise building the foundation for everything.

Construction expertise is highly valued at workplaces and sites. A diverse skillset is held in very high regard in the industry, as is cooperation. You get to work on a wide variety of tasks, with the opportunity to progress however you see fit. You can build upon your existing expertise or broaden your skillset, allowing you to work on increasingly multifaceted tasks and understand the big picture.

Explore the many opportunities in the construction industry!


Sankariniemi ja Tähtiniemi
Kristiina Hartikainen
050 472 0373

Päivi Kallionpää
040 177 8538

About us

Our Story

Watch the video below to find out how our story began. We have a strong vision and strategic objectives for our future, which you can also learn about.

Our Operations

Qualification Search

  • Hae koulutuksia

  • Koulutusala

  • Paikkakunta

  • Tutkintotyyppi

Upcoming vocational school trends in Europe

”Forms of education and learning, as well as nature of co-operation, provide strong opportunity for schools.”

– Kari Puumalainen, Chair of the Municipal Federation of Education, Rector

Kk-vuokra opiskelija asuntola tiili

Asuntola Tiilestä kuva pihalta. Kuvassa näkyy sisäänkäynnit.

This product requires the person to have a valid lease agreement with YSAO for the apartment.

Rent: 200 eur / person / month

Furnished apartment.

Rent includes also: water, electricity, heating, wifi, laundry-room.

Smoking is not allowed in apartments.

Located about 2 kilometres from YSAO school kampus.