A vocational basic qualification also makes you eligible for higher education (universities or universities of applied sciences). By choosing vocational education, you keep all paths open for your future studies.

We continuously invest in the development of education in different fields. We are upgrading our physical learning environments and improving digital services in their various forms. We also constantly improve at-work learning through our extensive partner network.

The quality of vocational education in Upper Savonia has been stated in several reports to be excellent, and our students are very satisfied with our school.

The international aspect is a core component of vocational learning. We want to offer all our students the opportunity to develop their vocational, cultural, and linguistic skills through international studies and exchanges.

If you are of compulsory school age, we provide you with education, student welfare services, food, and all materials, devices, and other equipment required in your studies at no cost. Your studies are tailored for your needs and objectives. Learning takes place on school premises, at work, and increasingly on our eYSAO platform. We provide you with a personal computer with the required software for the duration of your studies.

More information on the studies available at YSAO is available from guidance counsellors and teachers.

Admissions Services
For any questions about your application, please contact the Admissions Services and they will address your concerns. You can call us at +358 40 4811 400, or send an email to hakijapalvelut@ysao.fi

Feel free to contact us, ask about different options, or simply visit us!